Detailed guide for header config

Thanks to @GalAster for contributions to this post.

The header bar of the blog can be divided into following sections:

# Theme Title

The name of the entire blog is set in .vuepress/config.js.


module.exports = {
  title: 'vuepress-theme-meteorlxy',

# Theme Navigation

The navigation bar is also set in .vuepress/config.js.


module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    nav: [
      { text: 'Home', link: '/', exact: true },
      { text: 'Posts', link: '/posts/', exact: false },
      { text: 'Custom Pages', link: '/custom-pages/', exact: false },
      { text: 'Github', link: '' },
  • link can be an internal relative link (starting with /) or a full external link.
  • exact refers to Vue-Router

# Header Title

The title of the article can be set in front of the article.


category: demo
  - en
date: 2019-01-21
title: Header Config
header-title: true
  - /assets/img/header-image-01.jpg
  - /assets/img/header-image-02.jpg
  - /assets/img/header-image-03.jpg

You can hide the title by setting header-title to false

The default settings are set in .vuepress/config.js.


module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    header: {
      showTitle: true,

# Header Image

The default background image is set in .vuepress/config.js.


module.exports = {
  themeConfig: {
    header: {
      showTitle: true,
      background: {
        useGeo: true,
        // url: 'img/bg.jpg',
        // url: ['img/bg.jpg','img/bg2.jpg'],
  • useGeo: true: no background image, filled with random patterns.
  • url: 'img/bg.jpg': to use bg.jpg by default.
  • url: ['bg.jpg', 'bg2.jpg']: fill in using the random pick list.

The background image can be set manually in the article and this will override the default configuration.


category: demo
  - en
date: 2019-01-21
title: Header Config
header-title: true
  - /assets/img/header-image-01.jpg
  - /assets/img/header-image-02.jpg
  - /assets/img/header-image-03.jpg


If it is a local image, it should be uploaded to the public folder by default, and then it will be packaged in the build.

The full path is similar to .vuepress/public/assets/img/header-image-01.jpg

If you feel that the height of the image is not appropriate, you can adjust it in .vuepress/styles/palette.styl:


$bannerHeight ?= 12rem