Guide of vuepress-theme-meteorlxy
If you have any questions / ideas about this theme, feel free to open issues / PRs in the Github Repo.
Give this theme a star if you like it 😉
# Getting Started
# Installation
Create a new project my-blog
mkdir my-blog
cd my-blog
Install vuepress
and vuepress-theme-meteorlxy
npm install vuepress vuepress-theme-meteorlxy
Create src/_posts
directory and the config file of Vuepress. The structure of your project looks like:
├── src # Blog source files directory
│ ├── .vuepress # Vuepress directory
│ │ └── config.js # Vuepress config file
│ └── _posts # Posts directory
│ ├──
│ ...
└── package.json
Notice that src/
or src/
is not necessray. This theme will auto add homepage for you.
Add script
fields into package.json
"scripts": {
"dev": "vuepress dev src",
"build": "vuepress build src --dest dist"
# Config the theme
Config Vuepress and this theme in src/.vuepress/config.js
Click to expand the sample config
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
// Title of your website
title: 'My Blog',
// Description of your website
description: 'This is my blog',
// Language of your website
locales: {
'/': {
lang: 'en-US',
// Theme to use
theme: 'meteorlxy',
// Theme config
themeConfig: {
// Language of this theme. See the [Theme Language] section below.
lang: 'en-US',
// Personal infomation (delete the fields if you don't have / don't want to display)
personalInfo: {
// Nickname
nickname: 'meteorlxy',
// Introduction of yourself (HTML supported)
description: 'Happy Coding<br/>Happy Life',
// Email
email: '',
// Your location
location: 'Xi\'an City, China',
// Your organization
organization: 'Xi\'an Jiao Tong University',
// Your avatar image
// Set to external link
avatar: '',
// Or put into `.vuepress/public` directory. E.g. `.vuepress/public/img/avatar.jpg`
// avatar: '/img/avatar.jpg',
// Accounts of SNS
sns: {
// Github account and link
github: {
account: 'meteorlxy',
link: '',
// Facebook account and link
facebook: {
account: '',
link: '',
// LinkedIn account and link
linkedin: {
account: 'meteorlxy',
link: '',
// Twitter account and link
twitter: {
account: 'meteorlxy_cn',
link: '',
// Sina Weibo account and link
weibo: {
account: '@焦炭君_Meteor',
link: '',
// Zhihu account and link
zhihu: {
account: '',
link: '',
// Douban account and link
douban: {
account: '159342708',
link: '',
// Reddit account and link
reddit: {
account: 'meteorlxy',
link: '',
// Medium account and link
medium: {
account: '',
link: '',
// Instagram account and link
instagram: {
account: '',
link: '',
// GitLab account and link
gitlab: {
account: 'meteorlxy',
link: '',
// Bitbucket account and link
bitbucket: {
account: 'meteorlxy',
link: '',
// Docker Hub account and link
docker: {
account: 'meteorlxy',
link: '',
// CSDN account and link
csdn: {
account: '',
link: '',
// Juejin account and link
juejin: {
account: 'meteorlxy',
link: '',
// Header Config (Optional)
header: {
// The background of the header. You can choose to use an image, or to use random pattern (geopattern)
background: {
// URL of the background image. If you set the URL, the random pattern will not be generated, and the `useGeo` will be ignored.
url: '/assets/img/bg.jpg',
// Use random pattern. If you set it to `false`, and you don't set the image URL, the background will be blank.
useGeo: true,
// show title in the header or not
showTitle: true,
// Footer Config (Optional)
footer: {
// Show 'Powered by VuePress' or not (enable it to support VuePress)
poweredBy: true,
// Show the theme that you are using (enable it to support this theme) (please do not disable it, haha)
poweredByTheme: true,
// Add your custom footer (HTML supported)
custom: 'Copyright 2018-present <a href="" target="_blank">meteorlxy</a> | MIT License',
// Info Card Config (Optional)
infoCard: {
// The background of the info card's header. You can choose to use an image, or to use random pattern (geopattern)
headerBackground: {
// URL of the background image. If you set the URL, the random pattern will not be generated, and the `useGeo` will be ignored.
url: '/assets/img/bg.jpg',
// Use random pattern. If you set it to `false`, and you don't set the image URL, the background will be blank.
useGeo: true,
// Show the last updated time of your posts
lastUpdated: true,
// The content of your navbar links
nav: [
{ text: 'Home', link: '/', exact: true },
{ text: 'Posts', link: '/posts/', exact: false },
// Enable smooth scrolling or not
smoothScroll: true,
// Configs for vuepress-plugin-zooming
zooming: {
// @see
// Comments config. See the [Posts Comments] section below.
comments: {
owner: 'meteorlxy',
repo: 'vuepress-theme-meteorlxy',
clientId: 'MY_CLIENT_ID',
clientSecret: 'MY_CLIENT_SECRET',
// Pagination config (Optional)
pagination: {
perPage: 5,
// Default Pages (Optional, the default value of all pages is `true`)
defaultPages: {
// Allow theme to add Home page (url: /)
home: true,
// Allow theme to add Posts page (url: /posts/)
posts: true,
# Write your posts
Create your first post:
<!-- _posts/ -->
category: hello
- world
date: 2019-01-21
title: Hello, world!
vssue-title: Hello, world!
This is my first post.
The content above `more` is the excerpt, which will be displayed in the posts list.
<!-- more -->
The content below `more` will only be displayed when viewing this post, and will not be displayed in the posts list.
Run the script
to generate your blog website:
# develop
npm run dev
# build
npm run build
# Theme Language
You can check the Blogs that use this theme to see online demo of different languages.
# Introduce the language pack
To help users with different languages to use this theme, we provide some language packs to be introduced directly.
You can check the languages directory for all supported languages
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
lang: 'en-US',
// OR
lang: require('vuepress-theme-meteorlxy/lib/langs/en-US'),
If the lang
option is not set, theme will use en-US
as the default language.
# Translate to your own language
You can also translate the fields into your own language manually.
PR welcome to help us support more languages!
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
lang: {
home: 'Home',
posts: 'Posts',
category: 'Category',
categories: 'Categories',
allCategories: 'All',
tag: 'Tag',
tags: 'Tags',
createdAt: 'Created',
updatedAt: 'Updated',
prevPost: 'Previous Post',
nextPost: 'Next Post',
# Override the language packs
If you don't like some translation of the language packs, or you want to use some other text.
// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
themeConfig: {
lang: Object.assign(require('vuepress-theme-meteorlxy/lib/langs/en-US'), {
home: 'Welcome to my Homepage !',
posts: 'Here is my articles',
# Posts Comments
This theme use Vssue to enable comments for your posts.
# Config comments
Only those posts that located in the _posts
directory will enable comments. Other pages don't have comments.
By default, we use GitHub to store comments. You can check Vssue Docs for how to config these parameters.
module.exports = {
// Theme Config
themeConfig: {
// Comments Config
comments: {
platform: 'github', // Optional, default is 'github'. You can also choose 'gitlab', 'bitbucket'. Check Vssue docs for details.
owner: 'meteorlxy',
repo: 'vuepress-theme-meteorlxy',
clientId: 'MY_CLIENT_ID',
clientSecret: 'MY_CLIENT_SECRET',
autoCreateIssue: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development', // Optional, this will not create issue autoly in development mode
Comments of your posts will be stored in the issue system of you GitHub repository. Vssue will auto create an issue for your post with the title
of your post.
By default, Vssue will use the $lang
property of Vuepress as the locale language.
Why we choose to use the issue system for your comments?
- GitHub or other platforms is widely used by programmers, so they don't need to register a new account to leave a comment on your site.
- You can get full control of your blog, including the comments.
- The issue system of your blog repo is likely to be idle. Let's make use of it!
# Config for a single post
If the title of your post is likely to be changed in the futrue, we suggest to add vssue-title
into the frontmatter to set the title of the corresponding issue, which will avoid the problems if you change the title of your post:
category: hello
- world
date: 2019-01-21
title: Hello, world!
vssue-title: The fixed issue title
This is my first post.
If you want to create issue manually, you should set vssue-id
to the ID of the issue in the frontmatter:
category: hello
- world
date: 2019-01-21
title: Hello, world!
vssue-id: 1
This is my first post.
If you want to disable comments for some post, set vssue: false
in the frontmatter:
You can check Disable Comments to see the demo.
category: hello
- world
date: 2019-01-21
title: Hello, world!
vssue: false
This is my first post.
If you are familiar with Vssue, vssue-title
is the prop title
of Vssue component, and vssue-id
is the prop issue-id
of Vssue component.
# Disable comments
Of course, if you don't want comments on your blog, you can disable it totally:
module.exports = {
// Theme Config
themeConfig: {
// Comments Config
comments: false,
If you set comments: false
, Vuepress will not introduce Vssue at all.
# Other features
# Top post
If you want to pin your post to the top of the posts list, set top: true
in the frontmatter:
top: true
category: hello
- world
date: 2019-01-21
title: Hello, world!
This is a top post.
You can also set top: 1
, top: 2
to control the order.
# Draft post
If your post is not finished and you don't want to show it in the posts list, set draft: true
in the frontmatter:
draft: true
category: hello
- world
date: 2019-01-21
title: Hello, world!
This is an unfinished post.
Draft posts will be displayed in dev mode, but be filtered in build mode.
# Center syntax
Support syntax to make a block center:
-><img width="180" src="" alt="logo"><-
->This theme is powered by VuePress<-

# References
# Style variables
Support palette.styl
of Vuepress to customize style variables.
// colors
$textColor ?= #2c3e50
$accentColor ?= #1e90ff
$grayTextColor ?= #666
$lightTextColor ?= #999
$borderColor ?= #eaecef
$codeBgColor ?= #282c34
$arrowBgColor ?= #ccc
$navbarColor ?= #fff
$headerColor ?= #fff
$headerTitleColor ?= #fff
$nprogressColor ?= $accentColor
// layout
$navbarHeight ?= 3.6rem
$bannerHeight ?= 12rem
// responsive breakpoints
$MQWide ?= 1440px
$MQNarrow ?= 1024px
$MQMobile ?= 768px
$MQMobileNarrow ?= 480px
# Frontmatter
# Common frontmatter
These frontmatters work for custom pages and posts.
# Title of current page/post, which will be displayed in the header banner
title: Welcome to vuepresss-theme-meteorlxy
# Set the layout of current page/post. Go to the [Custom Pages] for details
layout: CustomLayout
# Show the personal info card on this page or not
## Default: `true`
aside: true
# Use image as the background of the header in this page
# If set to an array, a random image will be chosen when entering this page
## Default `undefined`
header-image: /assets/img/header-image-01.jpg
- /assets/img/header-image-01.jpg
- /assets/img/header-image-02.jpg
- /assets/img/header-image-03.jpg
# Show title in the header or not
## Default `true`
header-title: true
# Post frontmatter
These frontmatters only work for posts.
# Set if to pin the post to the top
## Default `false`
top: true
top: 1
top: 2
# Set the category of current post
category: docs
# Set the tags of current post
- zh
- en
# Set the created date of current post
date: 2019-02-27
# Show the meta info of the post or not , i.e. Created, Updated, Previous Post, Next Post, etc.
## Default: `true`
meta: true
# Comments config, see the [Post Comments] section above
## Default: `true`
vssue: true
## Default: `undefined`
vssue-id: 1
## Default: `frontmatter.title`
vssue-title: Comments of this page